Don’t like the way you look in photos?



Imagine this… After patiently waiting for weeks, you receive your professional images from your photographer!

The excitement and nervousness you feel are palpable, and you can’t wait to see the photos you’ve planned and dreamed about for so long!

As you open your gallery, your excitement turns to dread. You scroll through the images and immediately hone in on every imperfection. Your insecurities and negative self-talk take over and all you can see is what is wrong, not with the photos… but with you!



I’ve been there before, my friend. That’s why I’m sharing a few tried-and-true tricks to help you process the disappointment and move forward with a more positive outlook on your photos (and maybe even yourself). Read on!

1. Take some time

The first thing to do is to close your browser and walk away. Don’t obsess over your photos!

Come back in a day, a week, or even a month and view the images again once you’re able to look at them through a more neutral lens. The situation always seems worse and your harshest inner-critic always comes out when you’ve been building up the photos in your mind. Let your critical thoughts diffuse before you take a second look.

2. Go easy on yourself

Repeat after me: “I love and accept my body exactly as it is today.”

The truth is, you can’t shame away the parts of yourself that you don’t like. We all have imperfections… It’s part of what makes us human. You deserve to honor your gorgeous existence in this crazy world. Practice being kind to yourself and reminding yourself that you are allowed to be exactly who you are!

3. Select your favorites

When you’re ready, select your favorite photos. Make a “Keep” folder and a “Toss” folder. Mark your favorite photos with a colored tag, and sort them into the appropriate folders.

Once you’re done, delete the “Toss” folder and move on with your day. Voila! If the photos truly make you uncomfortable, there is no point in trying to talk yourself into loving them.

4. Share with the world

Now that you’re in a more neutral mental space and have chosen the photos you’re comfortable with, it’s time to share them! Update your profile pictures, order cards, print, frame, and hang a few. The more you practice seeing yourself in photos and accepting every part of yourself, the easier it will be in the future!

You are stunning exactly as you are, and your worth doesn’t come from how you look in photos. It’s time to show yourself the same love that you pour so generously into this world. 

If this resonates with you or if you’d like to chat more about the topics of self-love and photography, send me a note! I can’t wait to hear from you!


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