Why You Need a Brand Statement and How to Get One (with free templates!)



If someone said to you, “Tell me about your business,” do you know what your response would be?

Having a well-thought-out brand statement will not only help you to articulate what you do in conversations but will allow you to clearly and effectively communicate the core of your brand across all of your marketing channels.

Read on to find out what a brand statement is, why it’s important to your business’s bottom line, and how to create a brand statement and use it in your marketing.


What is a brand statement anyway?

If that’s the question you’re currently asking, well… it’s a good question! A brand statement is a brief (usually one sentence) statement that clearly communicates what you offer and how your service helps your customers.

Seriously, it’s that simple.

There are many different ways you can go about writing a brand statement (more on that in a minute), but the main questions your brand statement should answer for your customers are “What do you do?” and “How does it benefit me?”

So, why do I need a brand statement?

A brand statement is essentially your elevator pitch to potential clients.

Have you ever heard that people make purchase decisions based on emotions and then justify their decisions with logic? It’s true. People want to feel understood, especially when making a significant investment.

Your brand statement is going to help you strike an emotional chord with your future clients by telling them how you will solve a key pain point for them. It needs to communicate how you can make their life better, easier, or more fulfilled simply by choosing to work with you!

Donald Miller said it best in his book Building a StoryBrand: “People don’t buy the best products; they buy the products they can understand the fastest.”

If someone can’t figure out what you’re selling within just a few seconds of scrolling your website or social media, you have a major problem. But if they also can’t figure out why the service you’re offering matters to them in the same amount of time, you have just as significant of a problem!

When a visitor to your website can’t answer what you’re offering and why it matters to them as part of their first impression of your business (and remember, first impressions are created online in seconds or even milliseconds), they’ll lose interest and move on to something else that fulfills their need!

How do I create a brand statement for my business?

So, now that you know having a brand statement is important, you might be thinking “How do I write one?”

I’ve provided three simple formulas below. All you have to do is fill in the blanks with the specifics of your brand and, voila, you’ll have a brand statement ready to use in minutes across your marketing channels.

While the core of these brand statement templates is the same (why plus how, as we discussed above), you might find that one of them fits your business or service best. You may even want to write several brand statements for your business and then choose your favorite or run it by a few people you know who fit within your ideal clientele to see what resonates with them!

Remember this is just a template, make it your own by adding/removing words to really hone in on what your business is all about.

Option 1:

(Adjective)    What you offer      for     who you work with     to/ to help you/ so you can   how your client will benefit from your service (focus on the transformation/outcome)     .

Example 1: Client-centered doula care for Los Angeles families to empower you during all reproductive events.

Example 2: Personalized real estate services for couples in the Orange County area to help you find your dream home without added stress.

Option 2:

    Goal your client wants to achieve   with          service you provide     .

Example 1: Enhance your natural beauty with our radiant hair and makeup services.

Example 2: Learn how to improve communication patterns and heal your relationships with our online counseling.

Option 3:

Helping       audience         goal your client wants to achieve   with/through          service you provide     .

Example 1: Helping female business owners confidently show up as the face of their brand and attract their dream clients with professional photography.

Example 2: Helping women in their midlife rediscover their energy through personalized coaching programs.

I have a brand statement! Yay!... What should I do with it?

You’ll want to include your brand statement in the most visible places for your business, such as:

  • Your website header or homepage

  • Social media bios

  • Your email signature

Get creative! Where you highlight your brand statement is also dependent on your field. You could include it on business cards, at the top of your newsletters, regularly feature (and unpack) it in social post captions, or use it in any number of other prominent places.

There you have it! You not only know what a brand statement is, but you’ve also written one and know how to use it!

I’d love to hear how making this simple addition to your branding helps you to communicate more clearly with your clients. Reach out to me here with your brand statement success stories! I’m cheering for you!


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